Thursday, 23 February 2012


St. Mary’s Church Dubai is celebrating WORLD MARRIAGE DAY today. How do I know this? My beloved wife who leaves for work whilst I’m still sleeping, poked me in my ribs and told me so!
The second Sunday of Feb every year is usually known to be the day when World Marriage Day is celebrated. The permanent theme adopted for the day is "Love One Another". Loving one another is a daily decision - simple but challenging. The symbol for World Marriage Day is two candle-like figures joined by a heart. The hope is that couples will be reminded of their calling as married couples to enlighten the world by being life-giving to one another.

In 1993, his Holiness, Pope John Paul II, imparted his Apostolic Blessings on World Marriage Day. World Marriage Day celebrations continue to grow and spread to more countries and faith expressions every year.
People the world over, celebrate the WMD in their communities in many different ways – special church services are held in which the marriage vows are renewed and those married for over 40 years are specially applauded. The longest married couples at the service are usually made to face the gathering and presented with a bouquet of flowers. In some countries, the radio and television networks run interviews with couples who’ve been married for the longest time. Sometimes newspapers run contests asking couples to submit their favourite marriage memory.
Lorine and I have decided to attend the special mass at St. Mary’s and sing in the choir too. Last year’s celebration was wonderfully conducted and I encourage those of you who live in Dubai to attend the service and renew your vows.
And hey! … Don’t forget to take your spouse out for a romantic dinner after that!

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