It was an awesome evening! About 50 seekers of God's own heart gathered together in Bro. Harsha's villa in Jumeirah to hear the Word of God preached by Bro. Johnson Sequeira. Bro. J was supposed to preach in Kuwait today and tomorrow after his two days of preaching in Dubai. We were blest with an extra day of fellowship with him when an error was discovered on his visa and therefore was denied boarding. Many had a personal encounter with Jesus and several recieved their healing/restoration. I was totally lost in the love of Christ as i repented for 'sliding a little' from my beliefs. It was like as if Bro. J had clipped the red and black cables and jump-started me!
The topic of today was about David sowing love in the life of the Egyptian slave who was abandoned to die by his master, because he was sick and therefore useless to him. This very slave turns out to be someone who leads David to rescue his wives and all that the enemy had taken and more! (Read 1 Samuel 30:5 onwards). What you sow you will reap.
The other two days that he preached were awesome too. There were many healings that took place not only during the meetings but also when the sick were taken to Bro. J where he was living. There were many testimonies. The one that stood out from the rest was of Bro. Harsha, who stood on the example of Joseph in Gen. 39:2. I suggest you read the whole account of Joseph. The story has many lessons to teach us, most important being totally in the 'rest' of the Lord knowing that He is with you and will eventually deliver you from your problems. To be patient to the point of not opening you mouth and confessing 'unbelief', thereby losing your miracle which was right around the corner!
With the help of three plums, Bro. J explained how the same plum can change its appearance. He compared a plum straight from the box, with that which was washed and another that he polished on his jeans. Of course the one that was rubbed on the jeans shone brightly! He then inferred that Christians tended to be just like that. The more they rubbed the Word on themselves, the more they shone as lights of the world!
We also learnt to have a 'Mind Bath' besides the regular body bath. The Word of God is like soap that cleans your mind of stubborn grease and grime. The more you bathe your mind with the Word Of God, the holier you will be!
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