Sunday, 12 February 2012


I had an interesting conversation with a couple of friends at the Trinity Resource Centre in Dubai. It was to do with a particular singer in my band. Whilst I was saying that the singer should take up the offer made by Don Moen to help deliver her ‘promo track’ to the right people in the industry, the two friends objected saying that many have gone after the limelight that this world has to offer and have eventually lost their souls. They insisted that ‘the singer’ should listen to the ‘Lord’s voice’ and then decide to go for the lucrative offer!
This morning, the death of my favourite singer ,Whitney Houston,hit me very hard. Some time ago, when someone had sent me her picture that told me a sad story of what drugs had done to her once beautiful face and body (Moreover, to her VOICE!), I had prayed that she would come out of her issues and go back to her ‘gospel singing’ roots.
I recollected yesterdays conversation and looked at my singer friend’s golden opportunity to fame and I nodded my head and with tears in my eyes whispered, “ LORD, we must NEVER lean onto our own understanding”.
Perhaps Whitney would have done well staying with Gospel Singing. Surely, she would have been as famous and loved as she was in the POP world. Maybe she would have made less money but …

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