Sunday, 14 July 2013


Continuing from where i left off with my report on my first visit to a Hospital to pray over Christian patients, Let me now tell you of the other patients who were devoid of Faith and therefore full of fear and anxiety. Their body language was enough to confirm that fact. They lay on their beds in foetal positions with their blankets covering faces almost entirely!

One such patient was a young Filipino lady who had cysts on both her Fallopian tubes. More than her malady, it was the bill that was worrying her. Whilst we were praying for another patient next to her, i overheard her saying to the nurse,"Who will pay my bill?" When we approached her asking if she would like us to pray with her, she at first had a blank look on her face but then she quickly nodded. When she had told us about her case, I was able to tell her the testimony of my sister-in-law, Reva, who had suffered from the same problem. HOPE CAME. Her face changed. She brightened up and after we had prayed, she had stretched out her legs into a more relaxed position! It is amazing what HOPE can do!

Let me share Reva's testimony with you ...

When my brother married her, he was aware that the doctors had told her that she would not be able to bear children. My brother still insisted on going ahead with the marriage. God blessed them with a healthy boy against all odds (She had only one ovary and the other one already had signs of cysts! We have a truly awesome God. Your faith in Him can get you mighty miracles. If only you believe!)

After three years of having the first child, Reva was told that she had to remove the second ovary too. The doctors in Dubai had estimated the cost of surgery to be around AED. 17,000 ( $ 4,625 ). Since Reva did not have a medical insurance, the family decided that she go to Goa and get it done there for a lot cheaper!
When Reva arrived in Goa, my brother Cosme who has regular prayer services led by Bro. Alex, a mighty man of God (I call him 'Fiery Prophet' - Ministers to vegetable sellers in South Goa), suggested that she soak herself in prayer for 3 days and only then go ahead with the decision to remove her ovary. Although Reva came against strong opposition from her family, her husband (my bro) stood by her decision to dedicate the 3 days in prayer. On the third day, Reva had a terrible pain in her abdomen and fell to the ground screaming and rolling and moaning in pain. They continued praying without getting distracted and by the end of the session, she became totally calm. Later Reva testified that she felt as if something had left her body. Bro. Alex told her that the Holy Spirit had already operated on her and the doctor would find no reason for the surgery. INDEED IT WAS SO! THERE WAS NO TRACE OF CYSTS ON HER OVARY! Reva then had another healthy baby to seal her testimony!

We then visited an Ethiopian brother who was infused with hope by Brian in his previous visit to the hospital. He had come to the hospital with badly infected toes, full of puss. The doctors were going to amputate his toes to arrest the spread of the infection to other parts of his leg.There were many tubes placed inside his toes to drain out the puss. Brian had prophesied that the Lord had healed him the last week he came on a hospital visit. On Friday when we went there, he was sitting on his bed reading the Bible! There was no pain, no tubes, and HIS TOES WERE STILL THERE! Apparently, the infection had strangely disappeared and he was well on his way to full recovery! A HOPE - LESS situation had been turned into a HOPE - FULL one!

There were at least three patients who had been discharged. I know this because Brian specifically asked for them and the nurses confirmed that they had gone home healed!

I could keep writing about a few more cases like this but i believe what I've written above is enough to get the message! But let me leave you with a little something from the Bible ....

Here’s what Paul says in Rom 15:13 –
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.

Paul says God is a God of hope — which means those who trust Christ always have reason to be full of hope.

He also says God can change our discouraged hearts so we abound with hope.
How?  By the power of the Holy Spirit — who works “in [our] believing.”

When we turn our hearts to trust Jesus and His promises, the Holy Spirit will — in time — cause us to abound in hope.

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