Tuesday, 16 July 2013


Organised religion does have 'some good' in it but then, IT BLOCKS THE FOLLOWER FROM RECEIVING 'GOD'S BEST'!

(I was talking to Pastor 'D' this evening about Churches in general and i thought I'd blog a few 'observations' he made before those thoughts disappear from my mind).

When we read a passage describing what the End Times will be like, the Word ends by describing a form of Christianity "which has an appearance of godliness but denies its power" and commands us "from such people turn away" (2 Tim.3:5). It is useful to actually read the whole passage: 2 Tim.3:1-5 and a parallel passage in 1 Tim. 4:1-5. I believe you will agree that both passages describe features found in many churches today.

This counterfeit church model will fool millions who are not taught the complete and powerful Word of God. It will also contain some good things in it, so that people will be deceived into believing it is the "real thing." But in truth it is a phony, a very dangerous wrong turning and false path, and through it the enemy will succeed in misleading millions and weakening the impact of the True Church which should be radically concentrating on walking in the power and glory of the Holy Spirit.

The enemy is not only vicious and ruthless; he can also be incredibly devious and subtle. This is why one of his most potent and effective lines of attack is to substitute God's true model of a church of glorious faith, holiness and power with a church full of carnal ritual which impresses men's souls, ie. impressive buildings, artwork, music, incense, lighting effects, men in fancy dress, an annual calendar of feast days, statues, icons, talismans, etc.

 "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Rom.3:23). The Greek word translated as "sin" in English Bibles is "hamartia" which literally means "missing the mark" or "falling short of a benchmark."


Beware when Jesus says: "Because you are lukewarm, I will spit you out" (Rev.3:16).

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