A friend of mine recently went through a trying situation in her life and she sent me the following testimony today. I share it in the hope that those of you who are going through your own trials may be reassured of a sure victory in the name of Jesus!
10: 35 So do
not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
This verse
gives us a glimpse into the heart of God. Our trust is important to God -
so much so that he promises a reward to those who do not throw away their
trust. He knows how hard it is to keep on trusting during dark stretches
in our lives. It does not come easily to us when our world seems to fall apart.
Yet it is essential that we do trust in God in these critical times when
troubles, doubts and sin are rampant and instability is increasing.
If we do
not throw away our trust, we will find that we are royally independent of
circumstances. We will be victorious amid all hardships and our Lord Jesus will
shine forth mightily in our lives. What used to get us down and at times
threatened to overwhelm us will fade into the background when we put our trust
in the Lord, for trust carries a great promise with it. As we learn to trust
God we find that something happens. The following scripture i am sure will be
Daniel 6:23
New International Version (NIV)
23 The king was overjoyed and gave orders to lift Daniel out of the
den. And when Daniel was lifted from the den, no wound was found on him,
because he had trusted in his God.Had Daniel failed to trust God, he would have actually perished. Trust has tremendous inherent power. It can change everything.
Inwardly or outwardly we may be having a rough time. Draw near to God at this moment of time. He wants to intervene in our situation and help us.
On a human level to what kind of a person do i turn for help ? It will be someone we love If i have such a friend than i am confident that he will come to my aid. But who is the most trustworthy of all ? In the whole wide world there is only one who is 100% reliable. and that is God. No one has such a capacity to love as our Lord Jesus does and one can share our burdens as he does for He is love. His love is beyond imagining. He cares about even the smallest details of our lives and when we suffer he draws near to us with His special love. Because our Lord Jesus has all the power in heaven and on earth. He can do miracles if we trust in Him and in His love.
Some might say "You know i did trust God in a particular situation but no help came. May i share with you a short prayer which has always helped me at such times.
Lord at this moment of time i do not understand what is happening but i choose to trust in you and in your love.
Recently i went through a horrendous time in my health and was in ICU but at that moment of time i chose to trust in my Lord Jesus completely without question or doubt and saw victory over the situation. This was my experience at a very dark moment in my life. It was a valuable lesson. Who am i ? - Just an insignificant person, a mere nothing, a speck of dust, so how dare i say "If God doesn't do as i think and expect i cannot trust in Him any longer.! How can i who am nothing comprehend the eternal God, who made the whole universe, the myriads of stars and all living creatures ? He alone is great. This conclusion helped me so much. I said to myself...I need to trust Him in all situations. He is love and He will lead everything to a wonderful goal if you are completely yielded to him.
When faced with overwhelming difficulties and tempted to give up we will find it helpful to say "Lord I choose to put my trust in you and in your love.
Looking back over the years on a long life with various trials i can testify to the reality of the scripture. God is love. We just need to get to know this love that died for us and rose again to give us a new life in Him, a life full of hope and a future. He cares for us far more than we can ever imagine. When we are at our wits end, he sees our plight, hears our cry and folds us in His arms. This is what is so precious about the words "Jesus i trust in your love". If someone loves us we can always trust him but love seeks to help wherever possible. This is what God is like.
We need to declare war on everything contrary to trust - mistrust, unbelief, anxiety. It is a matter of putting up resistance. A trusting attitude comes from putting your faith and belief in our Lord Jesus but anxiety exhausts our inner resources.
I conclude that whatever situation you may be in, choose to trust the maker of heaven and earth - our Lord Jesus for in Him is eternal life. The bible says in Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”
God bless each and everyone reading this and may it inculcate trust in Him to grow each day no matter what comes your way.
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