Brother Johnson Sequeira is preaching in Dubai again and yesterday was the first day. He was speaking on the topic of 'Dry Bones' from Ezekiel 37. It is so very amazing how God reveals to his servants the golden truths hidden in His Holy Word!
I assume you already know about Ezekiel's vision of the 'valley of dry bones' and how God asks him to prophesy on the dry bones. Lo and behold, the bones get covered with flesh but there is no spirit in the body! Then the Lord commands Ezekiel to breath into them and they come to life! (Please do read the whole chapter to remind you of the exact account of the vision).
Bro. J explained the above vision from a different perspective altogether. He compared the 'dry bones' with the 'dead situations' in our lives and encouraged us to prophesy over them 'in the powerful name of Jesus', BELIEVING that Jesus is alive and His Holy Spirit is hovering over us (just like in Genesis ... the Spirit was hovering over the 'chaotic' earth, waiting to move on God's command to bring order into creation!) to act on our behalf, to restore and give life to all the 'dead situations' in our lives.
The point was further straightened by Tanya's testimony of a total healing from cancer when she UNDERSTOOD the topic of FAITH (Hebrews 11:1) and got out of her desperation and got into the LOVE OF GOD and His FAVOUR. Every doctor's bad report was cancelled and she is now living a 'cancer-free' (Both physically as well as spiritually!) life! Imagine being given only 6 months to live by every doctor she went to for another opinion!
This is why the psalmist in Psalm 63 seeks the Lord from a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. It is the water of the gospel he seeks. He seeks to be bathed in the waters of Christ. (Psa 105:41) He opened the rock, and the waters gushed out; they ran in the dry places like a river. When Christ went to the cross for the sins of His people the Rock of God was opened and then the waters of the gospel gushed forth in the dry places after He was resurrected the third day. Those dry places are the entire world to seek out His elect in all the nations.
This Ezekiel passage also points out the fact that a person is a dead bone before salvation and only God can make them live.
This is not a new teaching and is a very old teaching from the pentecostals.
ReplyDeletePlease advise why Br. Johnson has been banned by bishop of Mumbai?
Why doesnt he teach on the Sacraments and the importance of them rather than only the WOG.?
Dear Bro/Sis,
ReplyDeleteThe peace of Christ be with you.
We have just completed yet another 3 days of Bro. Johnson's retreats in Dubai and he spoke about LEARNING TO TAME OUR MINDS. I'm sure every one of the 450 + people who attended went away blessed!
Brother Johnson is gifted with Faith and always preaches FAITH. He does not have his own church and so we cannot blame him as being 'one who scatters'. I believe he is doing more good then bad as compared to many other 'cult followings' in Christendom. Whilst he does not preach on sacraments (Which the priests are usually preaching), he preaches the word of God (Which the priests usually DO NOT PREACH!).
The WORD of GOD IS GOD (John 1:1 onwards) and so to KNOW GOD, we must KNOW His WORD! There is simply NO OTHER WAY! The only way we can get into a relationship with GOd is through His WORD!