Sunday, 4 December 2011


Being a holiday, I decided to spend some quality with Bro. Johnson Sequeira, who has come to preach the WORD in Dubai. As I was leaving the apartment, I got this strange urge to carry the 4 DVDs of the FIREPROOF movie that I’d found on my shelf two days ago.
After we spent almost two hours of Q&A session, everyone in the room decided to go down to the udupi restaurant for some ‘chai’. Martha suddenly made this statement that made me very, very excited. She said, “You know brothers, I’m trying to help save a marriage but I just cannot lay my hands on a copy of the movie, FIREPROOF!” When I told everyone about the DVDs, everyone was amazed at how the Lord had answered Martha’s prayer.
When we were in the car, Dilu also mentioned that she was travelling to Sri Lanka and had two couples whose marriages were on the rocks. That was when I told them that I had infact 4 DVDs with me and I gave two each to Martha and Dilu! It pains me to see couples who were deeply in love before marriage suddenly fall out of love because their love is not built on the strong foundation of the WORD!
Many will just put it aside as a mere coincidence! But personally, ever since I turned my direction towards the Lord (3 years ago) and invited His grace to make all the corrections in my life, I’ve had a lot of such ‘coincidences’ happening to meJ
There was a time when I was out on a brisk-walking outing. As I reached a guitar shop, I had this strange urge to enter the shop although I have three guitars at home and I didn’t need another (not even accessories!). When I entered the empty shop, the owner greeted me and asked what I needed. I just told him why I’d entered the shop and that he appeared very disturbed about something (believe me, I didn’t even know the guy!). That simple meeting kept me in the shop for 3 hours and I had filled 7 pages of ‘mindmaps’ explaining about ‘THE SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY’ teaching that I’d just learnt from Bro. Johnson. At the end of it all, he understood and believed. I could see that peace that transcends all understanding enter him (BTW, he was so engrossed in the teaching that others who came into the shop were quick to understand and leave without disturbing!)
Much like the ‘provision’ of the DVD’s, God had already made me listen and understand the lesson fully, knowing that through me He would reach out to this hapless brother. Many a time, we do not understand why certain things happen to us, but looking back over the years you will be able to join the dots and ‘see ‘ the picture clearly now. Other times, our prayers are not addressed as we would like them. But then, you will thank the Lord that the things you prayed for were not granted and only you will know the reason why.
I was watching the anniversary celebrations of the 9/11 attack in my hotel room in Dallas, Texas. From the various programmes on TV, I could gather that many lives were saved because of some simple tasks that had to be done, which kept them away from the Tower: Getting late because the kids missed their school bus, being their turn to buy doughnuts for the office staff, splitting headache, car breakdown etc. I’m sure each one must have lost their peace over these irritations! The best one was when some firefighters remained back with a black lady who just could not walk. Although she insisted that she be left behind, the firefighters insisted that they would stay with her and figure out a way to get her out. Later they realized that if they were in the escape stair, they would all have died when the building collapsed!
I believe that when your heart is burning with love for the Lord, you will want to KNOW HIM better, so that you can LOVE HIM more; and the fruit of Love is SERVICE!

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