Wednesday, 9 November 2011


The last time I was in Goa (India), I visited the cemetery to stand at the graves of my uncles and grandmother and remember their goodness towards me. After I had done what I’d come to do, I decided to take a walk through the beautifully decorated graves dating all the way back to the glorious Portuguese era. The ones who could afford to encase the graves of their beloved would buy the grave from the church and contract it out to the local artisans to build them up in white marble with beautiful carvings on it. The poor who could not afford to do so had the choice of buying a niche in the wall and keep the bones encased behind an engraved granite slab. Other bones would just end up being exhumed every 3 years to be dumped into a deep well inside the cemetery!
I was deep in thought as I was thinking of the futility of the body! I passed an open grave and was horrified to see the hair, skull and bones peeping out of a beautiful, gold braided saree! Somebody had gone to the extent of even dressing this poor body with the most expensive saree made from non-degradable material! (And God knows what valuables the diggers found on that body!)
While on earth, 99% of the time, we worry about our body, when in reality, it will be lowered into the earth for maggots to devour the flesh! It suddenly dawned on me that day, that the 1% of time we dedicate to keeping our spirit/soul ‘looking good’, simply didn’t make sense! When the only thing that will live forever is our spirit/soul, why am I laboring so much to keep the body decorated? There and then, I decided to make a change in my thinking and I decided to know everything that concerned ‘things of the spirit’.
I made a few important decisions! I first renewed my acceptance of Jesus Christ as my Saviour. I acknowledged that I was spiritually luke-warm and decided to renew the ‘new birth’ experience that I knew about. I decided to share this ‘born-again’ experience with all I knew.

My heart goes out to all who have rejected the Good News, or have never heard it.
If they remain in that condition when their physical bodies die, they are lost, since their dead spirits were never renewed or regenerated by the ‘new birth’ experience.
When each of us descended, we took on the fallen Adam-ic nature, thus
we ‘died’ in 'access' to God. Unless we are born-again, our access to God has not been
restored (JN 3:13; MT 18:11; LU 19:10; RO 11:22).

Romans 8:6–7 (KJV 1900):  For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

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