There’s a story that has been going around which involves two little mischievous brothers who’re forever getting into trouble! One day, the teacher decides to ask the class a question and picks one of the two boys.
The teacher asks,” Where is God?”
The little boy thinks for a moment, thinks, and runs out of the classroom screaming. He finds his other brother and yells to him – “God has gone missing and the teacher believes we’re responsible for this!”
Whilst we laugh at the joke, let us try and answer the very same question – “Where IS God?”
Whilst most will correctly answer –‘Everywhere’ (PS. 139-7-9), many may still not find him in their finances, in marriage, difficult situations etc. We fail to understand scriptures like Phil 4:19 where God promises to ‘meet our needs’.
In order that the above scripture gets activated, there are a few things that we must do:
ASK IN PRAYER, FOR HIS HELP (Matt 7:7) – The emphasis here is ‘keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking’. Scholars have found out that the Greek word for ask/seek/knock actually did not have a proper equivalent in English. Therefore the words have been translated ‘ask/seek/knock’. Actually it is ‘keep on…’ which comes close to the meaning.
LEARN TO BE CONTENT: Like the story of Moses and Joseph, keep on trusting God for what He said He would do! He will surely ‘take you to the place’!
PRACTICE GIVING IN FAITH: (Luke 21:4) The widow gave ‘till it hurt’. When you give, give not out of the ‘excess’ but even up to the point that it ‘pinches’ you!
MAINTAIN FINANCIAL INTEGRITY: (Mat 6:33) For a proper inflow of ‘ALL THINGS’ the condition is ‘Seek first the Kingdom’ and ‘His righteousness’. There are NO SHORTCUTS in this equation and when applied, THERE IS NO FAILURE in the yield!
TRUST HIM WITH ALL YOUR LIFE (Pr. 3:36): It is the relationship with Jesus that will carry you through every problem in your life. If you’re having issues in your marriage, it is because the two forget the third person in the ‘covenant of marriage’. When things go wrong, call upon Jesus and He will surely show up in your difficulties. He IS YOUR COVENANT PARTNER!
Beware! GOD IS omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient!